
Showing posts from July, 2021

Sect: The Inextricably Exclusivist Ecclesiology of the Eastern Orthodox Church

Orthodox ecclesiology, which is to say the Eastern Church’s understanding of the nature of the Church, is necessarily and permanently exclusivistic. This means that, according to the Orthodox position, the Eastern Orthodox Church is the Church, which is to say an identity with the Body of Christ. Whatever calls itself church that is also not in immediate external communion with the Eastern Churches is therefore not in inward communion with the Church, and so not in communion with the Body of Christ, and, a fortiori , not in communion with Christ. Patriarch Dositheus’ synodal and canonical Confession states: That the dignity of the bishop is so necessary in the Church, that without him, neither Church nor Christian could either be or be spoken of. For he, as a successor of the Apostles, having received in continued succession by the imposition of hands… is a fountain of all the Mysteries [Sacraments] of the catholic Church, through which we obtain salvation. And he is, we affirm, as n...

Of Rock and Sand: A Critique of Josiah Trenham’s Appraisal of Protestantism

Introduction In his attempt at growing the Orthodox Church, Archpriest Josiah Trenham has made a name for himself as a relatively erenic interlocutor with Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical Christians of multiple stripes. In claiming common ground with them, he makes mention in an interview of his time as a student at Westminster Seminary under RC Sproul, where he became attracted to ( here ), if not convicted of ( here ), what he saw as the truth of Eastern Orthodoxy. According to his testimony, he even began his earnest search into Orthodoxy prior to going to seminary, planning his seminary studies ahead of time to coordinate with this specific search ( here ). He was even known at seminary for not likely continuing in the faith of his seminary ( here ). The significance of this background seems to be that, although Trenham states to have come from a Reformed background, it is clear from his testimony that he had notably departed in spirit from Reformed Christianity already durin...