Reality: Questions Regarding the Authenticity of the Sigillion of 1583

Following upon the previous article's discussion of the ritual anathemas called to be pronounced annually on all non-Eastern Orthodox Christians, the question of the Sigillion of 1583's authenticity, especially with its anathemas, involves a few key details which, if glossed over, will lead to an erroneous conclusion regarding the canonicity of its contents. A helpful study of this was done in 2011, entitled, "The 'Sigillion' of 1583 Against 'the Calendar Innovation of the Latins': Myth or Reality?" This 2011 study contains many valuable details that help to establish the question of the authenticity of the anathemas. Regarding the occasion of the study, the bishop (Cyprian of Oreoi) who wrote this oft-cited study that purportedly showed the Sigillion was a "forgery," was part of a "non-canonical" Orthodox group called "the Holy Synod in Resistance." This group dissolved in 2014 when it joined another independent Ort...