The Foundation of Christian Apologetics: Towards A Revelational Epistemology

Presuppositional Apologetics is revelational, theological, and philosophical, beginning in its substance and self-consciously from the God of the Bible, whereas Classical Apologetics, in terms of its internal methodological ordering, is philosophical and theological, yes, but only accidentally, so to speak, revelational. The evidence for the latter is found in the fact that so much of Classical Apologetics is wedded to natural theology, which distinguishes strongly between what can be known by unaided reason and what can known by revelation, a posture which is shared between Christian, Jewish, and Muslim theologians, not to mention Neoplatonism, certain schools of Hinduism, and still others. It is therefore not simply a question of the use of "Aristotle," which as such is a matter of relative indifference, nor of general revelation simpliciter , which is to say the disputed import of that which impinges upon man's senses from the natural world, but of what ultimately di...